Thursday, 27 November 2014

CRM 2015: Where Is My ‘Advanced Find’ Shortcut?

CRM 2015 has been launched for trial about the end of November 2014.

Now, I am happy to try and explore its new features.

When I want to see the data, I need Advanced Find, of course, yeah, one of favorite feature to do query for End Users as well.

But, where does it go?

Well, previously in CRM 2011, you can find advanced find here


And in CRM 2013,


In CRM 2015, it has been changed. I can’t find with same way I did in CRM 2013, I just worry that I have to modify the RibbonXML just for this and it is should be to for all entities.
But, luckily, it is not necessary.

Now, this is your Advanced Find shortcut button:


CRM gives more space in the top header navigation between + Create and the User name.
It is a great placement enhancement so the user can find easily without a hitch clicking the ribbon anymore.

Yeah, finally we can find it Smile
Thank you.


  1. Replies
    1. I always went there by going to a random view and then selecting "create personal view". This is so much more convient.

  2. Great article with excellent idea!Thank you for such a valuable article. I really appreciate for this great information..
    Microsoft Dynamics 365


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