Sunday, 17 August 2014

Add WhatsApp and Other Source as New ‘Case Origin’ with Custom Icon in CRM 2013

In my post, I was adding WhatsApp message as the new Case Source, so in this post, for those who still need further explanation how to add WhatsApp as new Case Origin, I will explain how to add WhatsApp as new Case Origin.

*FYI, this is not only to add the WhatsApp, it also can add other case origin as many as your company needs it.

First of all, please read this excellent blog:

and this link also for Spanish version:

Okay, now here we go.

1. Open the Customization

2. Go to Case entity

3. Go to ‘Case Origin’ field

4. Edit the field:


5. Add new Item, add the Label and Value


*Please remember your given value for this new Case Origin.

6. Save and Close and Publish it.

7. Go to Web Resources section.

8. Create a new Web Resource with type = .PNG

You can download the WhatsApp image 16x16 from here (you can choose):


*16x16 Only :)

9. Give the name with format: Incident_origincode_iconxxxxxxxxx.png

with the xxxxxxxxx is the given value for the new origin code.

For example:

or Incident_origincode_icon100000002.png

*Please be aware that on the website there is a typo,
it was typed:‘Incident_orgincode_icon#.png’
The correct one: ‘Incident_origincode_icon#.png’

*This is so important, otherwise, you will not get what you expected..


If you don't change it, it will not work.


*Remember you give the value at the step #5, but without comma.

*And so far I tried using different prefix other than new_ and it did not work, so I recommend you to use prefix new_

Don't use another prefix.

Save and Publish It.

10. Create a new Case with Origin = ‘WhatsApp’ and see the result in the Case View.


*If you choose the Green Color as your icon


*Another green icon.


If you don't create new custom icon, then it will give Yammer Iconfor the new Custom Case Origin.

Please refer to my other post to convert WhatsApp message to a Case in CRM 2013.
Check my Post!

Since it is also applicable for another case origin, so you can use the same method to add other case origin, such as Skype, YM, etc, just see this colorful icon.

Or you just want to have a gray, black, and white color, it is up to you :)

*Just down use another icon size, it is very recommended to have 16x16, if you still use another size, then it will give you a very unstructured view.

Hope this helps!



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